Wrap: Sex Rehab’s Phil Varone and Jeff and Greg Burns from NCIS
We got musical with drummer Phil Varone, fresh from his stint on VH1’s Sex Rehab. From elsewhere in TV land we welcomed award-winning composers Jeff and Greg Burns from TV’s #1 show, NCIS.
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If you’ve seen at least one Live! From the Future episode, you know by now just how much we like music. Appropriately for our tastes, we had a trio of musical guests this episode – twin TV composers Jeff and Greg Burns, and drummer/standup comedian Phil Varone.
Before the troika settled into the guest chairs, we naturally had to celebrate the great December holiday. No, not Christmas, silly. December 8 is Jessie Schneiderman’s birthday, of course! So we celebrated in exuberant yet severely budget-constrained style by showering her with balloons and booze… bad idea.
The brothers Burns were up first, and they brought Jessie – whoops, the show – a special present. The two somehow found time in their busy schedule to score a clip from LFTF. We like challenging our guests, so the clip we provided was of Current TV’s Conor Knighton demonstrating how to properly arrange a paper toilet seat liner.

What you can't see in this picture is that the beard in only on one half of his face, while his brother has half a beard on the other side.
One segment that might have a fighting chance is “Prog Rock or NCIS Episode“. This thrilling, down-to-the-wire quiz tests deep entertainment knowledge and reveals just how much time a person wasted getting high as a teenager and listening to ponderous old music.
The brothers nearly took a fall on that one, saving themselves at the last moment by identifying a Genesis album.
We didn’t torture the brothers enough with inane questions, so we also put them through our patented “59 Second Gauntlet“. Jeff and Greg were more successful at that one, getting all the way through past the final question, the all-time stumper “my career is like breakfast because ________?”
Next up was Phil Varone, an old friend of the show (read: “person who’s crazy enough to do this thing more than once”). Phil’s getting a lot of attention these days thanks to his current stint on Sex Rehab with celebrity brain fixer Dr. Drew Pinsky.
When not recovering from his sex problem, Phil finds time to do standup and play drums, not necessarily in that order. He couldn’t resist dropping a plug for his upcoming hosting gig at LA’s Improv, where he’ll be introducing the Sex, Stand Up and Rock & Roll show.
Unlike his fellow musicians the Burns twins, Phil didn’t quite make it through his edition of “59 Second Gauntlet”. Perhaps it was that one missing second that threw him. Either way, we still like him, and we’ll happily have him on as a guest again. As long as he isn’t too busy chatting with Oprah, that is.
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