Arrow “Lost Souls” Pictured (L-R): Katie Cassidy as Laurel Lance and Willa Holland as Thea Queen Photo: Cate Cameron © 2015 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This week Arrow gave us viewers a quick one two punch of DC Universe’s ‘Birds of Prey’ crime fighting all girl super squad. The (original) DC version of ‘Birds of Prey’ consists of Black Canary and Barbara Gordon under her code name ‘Oracle’ who are later joined by Huntress and Lady Blackhawk ( Huntress then replaces Black Canary’s role upon her departure. You follow?).
The CW network diced in MMA edition Black Canary (aka Sara), Black Canary and Speedy. This comic book storyline originated in Gotham, then re-located to Metropolis before finally settling in California. So Star City? Sure why not. Viewers across the board seemed to have a positive reaction to this latest trinity heroine take down team, so could there be more Birds of Prey action in the future? Who knows…except the writers. The demand is there, all we can do is hope it will be met.

Pictured: Neal McDonough as Damien Darhk Photo: Cate Cameron © 2015 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Damien, Damien, Damien. Teen Titan’s main villain has landed in Star City and he’s shaking things up. At the close of last week’s episode he left us wondering what the box he unfolded could possibly be. In the comics, Darhk kept people under his rule by his ruthless actions and his seemingly limitless magic. Ruling the roost with connections to H.I.V.E. he was undoubtedly the baddest baddie the TT’s were up against. Here in Star City Darhk has set himself up in a quite similar situation. In Teen Titans it’s revealed that Darhk uses forgotten science and other tricks of his own creation; fooling people into believing him to be a powerful magic user. Will this also be the case for Team Arrow in Star City? Could Darhk’s powers be unmasked or will it mark a point of greater turmoil? The network has stated that Darhk will continue into the plot line of ‘Legends of Tomorrow’…..leaving many speculating about the arrival of Vandal Savage. If we turn our attention back to the comics for source material Damien Darhk is unmasked as a wi-fi genius who is able to communicate with anyone he please through new technology. Could this be where his plans lie, with Ray’s stolen tech? What do you say? Perhaps his magical powers are as magical as you or I flipping the light switch on at home. Science can be magical when unknown. This box could be a circuitry guideline of Star City. With Ray’s stolen tech in Darhk’s hands knowing he is a wi-fi genius the avenues he could approach are potentially limitless.
Who is Ted Kord? Well if you don’t know he’s The Blue Beetle in the DC Universe. Who also happens to be the owner of the multi-billion dollar corporation Kord Industries/Enterprise ( Which is then later folded into Wayne Enterprises, whew I hope you follow all that). It’s rather exciting to have the Kord reference in ‘Arrow’ since his company was who cleared the crash landing site for ‘Super Girl’s’ spaceship in the comics. Could this be CW Network’s low key way of making plea’s at NBC? COUGH HER UP ALREADY FOR THE CROSSOVER NBC! Anyway, enough speculation and back to some facts. ‘Blue Beetle’ actually first ran as a back up feature in ‘The Atom’ comics back in the mid 60’s. Which later led to pairings with ‘Question’. Which brings to the forefront the possibility of the CW actually hinting at ‘Question’ arriving if they can’t get their paws on ‘Blue Beetle’. Most recently ‘Blue Beetle’ has appeared on the popular animated series Justice League of America ( International) fighting crime alongside Booster Gold. Or could the network be plotting the arrival of a super-villa to vindicate their inability to use Green Lantern? During the comic’s ‘Darkest Night’ arc Ted’s corpse comes back as Black Lantern. Yikes a zombie super baddie!? Ted’s most recent incarnation in the DC Universe was in 2014 during the final pages of ‘Forever Evil’. So the possibilities are there. The question is where would it bring Team Arrows story? How would it all tie in? Could Ted Kord be inadvertently helping Darhk? So many questions, filled with tons of twists and turns. To date this is Kord Industries 3rd mention in the series. We see you Arrow writers.
Finally make sure to catch up on all things Arrow with our After Show! Tune in and chime in with all your thoughts, theories, and any comic history you’d love to impart.