Lost Souls
Last week’s episode saw, among other things, Constantine join Team Arrow to locate and return Sara’s soul back to her body. While that’s all well and good, she has still returned from the Lazarus Pit, and like Thea should be subjected to her own blood lust (one would assume, anyway). What kind of problems will this bring for the team? Big ones, I imagine.

Arrow — “The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak” — Image AR305a_0114b — Pictured: Brandon Routh as Ray Palmer — Photo: Cate Cameron/The CW — é2014 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved
At the end of last week’s episode, Curtis helped Felicity decode the message from Ray and we discovered that Ray is not only alive, but being held against his will. The promo trailer for this week’s episode shows us that he’s being held by Damien Darhk and to add salt to the open wound, he’s miniature. From everything that I’ve read, Team Arrow (including Sara) will launch an offensive immediately in order to rescue Ray from Darhk’s grasp, but will Sara’s or Thea’s blood lust throw a wrench in their plans?
Also, it’s been said that Oliver will blame Felicity for not knowing that Ray was alive all this time. To me, this seems out of place, but the writers know what they’re doing so I’m looking forward to seeing how it all plays out.
Will the team get Ray back safe and sound? All signs pointing to Legends of Tomorrow say yes. But at what cost? Darhk is a bad dude and it’s not like he’s just going to let them take Ray. Tune in on Wednesday to see how everything plays out and then join us live to discuss what happens!
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