“Fear The Walking Dead: After Show – BTS”
We’re only three episodes into Fear The Walking Dead and so far The Walking Dead fans are somewhat undecided on Robert Kirkman’s stand alone series. Looking at the stats from Sunday’s episode 3 “The Dog,” viewer numbers dropped dramatically but maybe that doesn’t matter because the show is already confirmed for a second season. We may see things begin to ramp up (fingers crossed) or this will continue to be a repeat of Hershel’s Farm from Season 2 of The Walking Dead. All of our collective hopes is that @#*$ kicks off in the next two episodes!
Here at FTWDAS, Michael and I put in a fair amount of work prepping for the show. Not only do we watch with you guys and live tweet along the way but then we immediately jump right into late night writers meeting (roughly 4-5 hours long if you can believe it) but to say that it’s all work would be a lie, It is work but it’s also a lot of fun! Because Michael and I are such fans of The Walking Dead and now Fear The Walking Dead, just like all of you, we’re able to enjoy the journey the show is taking all of us on and have fun along the way!

It’s insane how a t.v. show can bring people together. Before Co-Hosting on Fear The Walking Dead After Show, Michael and I had never met or known one another. We watched the show on it’s premiere weekend, held our first writers meeting and then came to the studio to film our first episode (aweeeeee). Like the many greats before us; Martin and Lewis, Lemmon and Matthau, Ethel and Fred, Bacon and Eggs, we instantly connected. I’m very lucky to have Michael as my partner in crime on this show but i’m sorry Michael, per your comment in episode 2 I will never have you as a neighbor…Ever! 😉
xo – Su Castillo
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